Placeholder page for a game made for Trijam #285 »Smashing Things«.

My noncompetitive entry to the Trijam #285. Completed days beyond the Jam’s deadline.

Further development/refinement to be expected in the near future. Had a lot of fun with this project already. Though now I really need some sleep.


To progress in the sport of A/B Smash the participant is kindly asked to smash either the A or B button at the right time on their Nintendo Game Boy Color… emulator… found right there in their browser of choice. Keyboard mandatory.

Game Boy KeysKeyboard
AAlt or A or J
BCtrl or B

Experts in the field distinguish between 2 types of smashing.

BAD Smashing (= wrong key or no smashing when demanded)
the platform in focus takes severe damage and if the offense is repeated the damaged platform leaves the playing field for good. Which is not good.

GOOD Smashing (correct key is smashed at the right time)
Result: a damaged platform gets repaired (nice!), an intact platform turns into an A or B button (huh?), when such inscribed platform is correctly approached (aka smashed accordingly) it excretes a +10 that adds straight to the player’s score.

Attention: Players who do not care about score points in the slightest (we hear you!), have nothing to worry about or stress over. We the people recommend to lean back and watch the game incompetently play itself until there’s no platform left to discract from the timeless background art.

Updated 15 days ago
Published 17 days ago
StatusIn development


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Sorry! But Go on ^^

Thanks for cheering me on! :) FYI, I just uploaded a fully functional version.

Played already... Ohh, it´s very very cool game! I´ve post a comment ^^